Handmade Lactation Cookies

Made to order, delicious, malty, chocolatey goodness

  • What are they?

    Galactagogues are substances that may increase milk production. Galactagogues can be foods, herbs and even medications.

    Many studies have been carried out on many ingredients often put into lactation products but often no conclusive evidence has been proven.

    Women have used galactagogues for centries all over the world, at Nourish and Nibble we have stuck with the tried and tested!

  • What we avoid

    We have steered clear of ingredients that in some reports can cause problems for mums and babies such as fenugreek and brewers yeast which in some babies can cause gas and tummy upsets. Some mums have also advised fenugreek causing a decrease in supply. Most lactation cookies include these ingredients so we wanted to make something to cater to these families.

  • What we use





    We have kept things basic.

    There are two reasons for this,

    - we want to avoid over powering flavours - we dont want to change consistency of the cookie.

Homemade in a Council verified kitchen

Baked fresh to order just for you!


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